The Bios Urn® has been used worldwide, and is the first biodegradable urn designed with the specific purpose of growing a tree. The core focus of Bios Urn® is to add meaning to this process of life, and return to nature. The Bios Urn® is composed of 100% recycled materials which are locally sourced, and produced ethically. The urn contains recycled paper and recycled materials, coconut shells, growth medium (a proprietary mix of amino acids, and plant micronutrients), cellulose, coco fibre, and coco peat. Once ashes are poured in and the urn is planted, a tree will grow.
Choosing your tree type
The Bios Urn ® works with every single kind of seed or seedling, no exceptions!
We want to offer every single person the chance to think about, research and source their own seed or seedling directly, making this process part of the beautiful journey back to nature. We don’t want the choice to be limited in any way. It is so important for us to enable everyone to choose a tree which is sentimental and meaningful to them and their loved-ones.
Fruit trees, flowering trees, evergreens or conifers are all completely compatible. Indoor trees also work with our biodegradable urns.
Remember that you can also elect to use a seedling, or sprout instead of a seed which is more established and does not need as much care as the germination of a seed. If you prefer the idea of growing your tree from seed, check out all of our tips here.
Or some people also choose to plant a flower, a plant, or a bush instead of a tree.
Whichever you feel is right for you, we always recommend choosing a native tree species or one which is common to your location. Indeed, it is really important to choose a species of tree native or commonly found where you live since they are respectful of the environment and ensure better growth. You can research this online or by checking with a local gardening store, tree nursery or horticulturist for information on native tree species in your area. They will also most likely sell seeds and/or seedlings.
The Bios Urn ® is sold without seed for all the reasons mentioned above. We want to make sure that our urn is 100% compatible with all tree types and more importantly, all types of climates, because this gives the tree the best chances to grow strong and healthy.
If you prefer receiving your urn with tree seeds, we have a six tree types in stock which you can read more about below. We work with a family owned seed company which sources only premium quality trees. We can include a pack with your order free of charge. Simply include a note in the Observations box when completing your order and also send us an email at [email protected] with your full name and tree seed preference so that we can make sure we follow up on this internally.
Here are the six tree seeds we have in stock.
We used to offer Maple, Oak, Pine, Redwood, Honey Locust, and our Tree of Life, working with a family owned seed company which sources only premium quality seeds. With that said, the Bios Urn® works with any kind of seed or seedling! You can elect to use your own, or choose a tree which is sentimental and meaningful to you. Fruit trees, flowering trees, evergreens or conifers are all completely compatible. We recommend always choosing a native tree species or one which is common to your location, to respect the ecological balance. If you need help choosing a tree, feel free to contact us anytime (be sure to include your location and any preferences you may have.)
All of these seeds were easy to grow, fast growing, and could be stored for long periods of time (1+ year). Below you will find information about the different trees we used to offer. To find out more about the specific tree, click the link and it will lead you to planting instructions, symbolism, and tree facts about the tree!
Red Maple
Acer Rubrum
Zones 3-9
Red maple is a moderately fast grower, which glistens with beautiful red leaves. It grows best in zones 3-9, plant these seeds in moist ground, with partial shade. The Red Maple is one of the most adaptable and popular trees in the U.S. because of its ability to adapt to so many different environments and locations. It grows to a mid-sized large tree. Click here for symbolism, information, and planting instructions for the Red maple.
Honey Locust
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis
Zones 4-9
The Honey Locust is a bright green tree that turns yellow in the fall. It is often seen in urban environments, considerably in the midwest. It has the ability to withstand urban areas. Honey locust is a fast growing tree, and make wonderful shade-trees. They do not mind heat or drought, and are resistant to many diseases that affect trees. For best results, these seeds should be treated with boiling hot water right before planting to ensure optimal growing conditions. A single treatment of hot water, or slight sanding will activate the seeds which can be planted immediately after. Click here for symbolism, information and planting instructions for Honey locust. Click here for symbolism, information, and planting instructions for Honey Locust.
Sawtooth Oak
Quercus acutissima
Zones 3-9
The Oak is a beautiful and enduring tree. This is a mighty oak that grows mighty fast! The Sawtooth Oak grows at a quick pace of 2-3 feet per year, and can reach 30 feet in just around 15 years. Its leaves glimmer with a bright yellow russet color, and darken to a deeper green over summer. This oak is untroubled by diseases, or drought, and are very strong and adaptable. Another bonus is that blue jays, squirrels, and wildlife love the acorns this special tree drops. Click here for symbolism, information, and planting instructions for Oak.
Dawn Redwood
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Zones 4-8
Dawn Redwood is a living fossil, having been around and survived during the time of the dinosaurs. The Dawn Redwood grows well in zones 4-9, and can especially withstand extremely wet or moist soil. It is known to grow very fast, at around 2-5 feet per year after being established. These trees can grow large in size, and are considered to be the fastest growing conifer around. They are adapable to most soils, except desert sand, and can withstand flooding and drought conditions. These are beautiful shade trees and the seeds can be stored for up to 2 years. Click here for symbolism, information, and planting instructions for Redwood.
Ponderosa Pine
Pinus Ponderosa
Zones 3-7
Ponderosa pines grow best in slightly acidic soil, in zones 3-7. They are large conifers, with lifespans of nearly 600 years! The pine trees grow into beautiful fragrant evergreens. They are best planted during the months of March, April, and May – although they can be planted in summer months as well. These seeds can be stored for up to 2 years before use. They can grow in dry places, but do not enjoy too much drought or heavy flooding. Click here for symbolism, information, and planting instructions for Pine.
Tree of Life
Paulownia Tomentosa
Zones 5-11
The “Tree of Life” aka Royal Empress tree seeds we carry are non-invasive, and can be safely planted in zones 5-9. They are considered to be some of the fastest growing trees, as sprouts emerge after just two weeks! They enjoy sunlight and healthy doses of water. It´s best to plant these seeds directly on the surface, and not underneath. These trees bloom with beautiful lilac purple flowers. Many bees, butterflies, and birds are attracted to this special tree species, namely for its fragrant flowers. Best to plant these during warmer months, between the months of March until October. These can also be used indoors, or kept in a planter, as they are popular Bonsai trees. The Empress tree grows to a small-medium height, and is perfect for backyard planting. These are both cold hardy, and heat resistant. Click here for symbolism, information, and planting instructions for Tree of Life.
Planting zones
To see planting zones and tree recommendations in your country, click here for our country by country guide.
When the time comes to plant your urn
Here is some information you should find useful:
All seeds and seedlings should be planted during their correct planting season. Be sure to read our planting guide to get more information about this.
Also, basic care is required for the seeds or seedling – the same with the plants in your home, watering and sun is needed, but levels vary.
You can check out our Planting Tips page and our FAQ page, which features additional information about the Bios Urn® and how to use it.
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What a great reference information for tree descriptions and their respective zones. I will definitely share this article to those who need help in making their tree project decisions. Thanks.
Thank you so much for that! We try to be an informative as possible 🙂
You should post a picture with each tree type.
Also a map of the planting ‘zones’ in the U.S.
You may need some help with your website.
Hi Jon, good suggestions. We just added some photos. As for zones, we do have customers all over the world – so the planting zones apply everywhere. For the U.S – you can reference our other post which has the zone info.
Zones 3-6
Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Colorado, Idaho, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine
Zones 5-6
West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Kansas, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Massachusetts, New York, Vermont
Zones 5-9
New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, Washington, California, Texas, Arizona
Zones 6-8
Tennessee, Virginia, Oklahoma, Delaware, Washington DC, Maryland, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina
Zones 8-10
Louisiana, Florida
Do you cover Australia?
We do! Although Australia has strict quarantine laws, so you cannot import seeds into the country. Everything else with the Bios Urn is ok 🙂
Hi Sandra!
Wisconsin should be on the list under zones 3-5 🙂
which zone do the Philippines belong to?
Hello Camille! Thank you for reaching out to us. The Philippines belongs to the Asia zone, but we have yet to publish this article. It will come soon! If you sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of this article, you´ll get a notification in your inbox when it´s published!
How much is this I can find any info on it
Hello Melissa. We have just sent you an email with information!