The Incredible Ways Animals Help Humans and Protect the Planet

Main image by Nektaria Kleopoulos / Pexels


Animals are more than just companions—they’re essential to our lives and the health of our planet. From providing emotional support to keeping ecosystems balanced, how animals help humans and the planet is remarkable.

At Bios, we celebrate the bond between people, animals, and nature. Whether it’s elephants shaping forests or therapy animals offering comfort, animals impact our world in wonderful ways. Read on to discover how animals help humans and why they are so important for the health of our planet.

Elephants – Nature’s Ecosystem Engineers

Elephants are not only the largest land animals, but they’re also vital for healthy ecosystems. They spread seeds that help forests grow and create pathways through dense forests so smaller animals can move around more easily. Even their footprints, when filled with water, become homes for smaller creatures like tadpoles. This is just one-way animals help humans and the environment.

Giraffes – Tall Helpers of the Savannah

Giraffes play a unique role in maintaining the savannah. Their height allows them to reach treetops, which helps spread seeds. Some trees, like certain Acacia species, benefit from giraffes as their seeds may have a better chance of germinating after passing through a giraffe’s digestive system.

Bios Urn Blog: Giraffes reaching treetops in the savannah, playing a crucial role in seed dispersal and maintaining ecosystem balance. Photo by Nektaria Kleopoulos on Pexels

Pangolins – Guardians of the Forest

Pangolins, though lesser known, are crucial for protecting forests. By eating termites, they help protect forests from damage. One adult pangolin can devour more than half a pound of termites in a single meal.

Whales – Ocean Climate Heroes

Whales help fight climate change by storing carbon in their bodies. When they die, their bodies sink to the ocean floor, trapping the carbon and preventing it from entering the atmosphere. Whales also help circulate nutrients in the water, showing how animals help humans by supporting marine ecosystems.

Bios Urn Blog: Whales swimming in the ocean, capturing carbon and supporting marine ecosystems through nutrient circulation. Photo by Andre Estevez on Pexels

Sharks – Keepers of Marine Ecosystems

Sharks may be feared, but they are crucial to marine environments. As apex predators, they help control prey populations and prevent species overpopulation that could harm habitats like seagrass beds. Also, by keeping algae-eating fish populations in check, sharks help keep ocean ecosystems in balance.

Narwhals – Arctic Researchers

Narwhals, known as “unicorns of the sea,” help scientists study climate change. Equipped with radio transmitters, they dive deep into the Arctic Ocean to gather information about temperature and salinity. This allows humans to better understand how climate change affects our planet.

Bees – Mighty Pollinators

Bees are small but mighty. They pollinate 30% of the world’s crops and 90% of wild plants. Without bees, our food supply and biodiversity would suffer.

Bios Urn Blog: Bees pollinate flowers, vital for the growth of 30% of the world's crops and 90% of wild plants. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Birds – Nature’s Pest Controllers

Birds help balance ecosystems by controlling pests, pollinating plants, and spreading seeds. Some birds even act as environmental indicators, alerting us when something is off in nature.

Bats – Nighttime Pollinators and Pest Controllers

Bats help pollinate plants and control pests. Their guano, or manure, is also a natural fertilizer that benefits agriculture.

Beavers – Nature’s Architects

Beavers build dams that help regulate water flow and prevent flooding. They help maintain freshwater ecosystems and support fish populations.

How Domestic Animals Help Humans

Wild animals aren’t the only ones that help us. Domestic animals like cats and dogs positively impact our emotional well-being and mental health.

Bios Urn Blog: Cats and dogs provide emotional support, enhancing mental health, and offering companionship to humans. Photo by Snapwire on Pexels

Cats – Healing Purrs

Cats offer more than just companionship. Their calm nature helps reduce stress and anxiety. Even though they’re independent, cats form strong bonds with their human families, showing how animals improve our mental and emotional health.

Dogs – Loyal Helpers

Dogs are known for their loyalty and companionship. Service dogs assist people with disabilities, while therapy dogs provide comfort in homes, schools, and hospitals. Some dogs even take part in rescue missions, showing how animals help humans in daily life and emergencies.

How We Can Help Animals

Animals help humans in countless ways, but they are also facing threats like habitat loss and climate change due to human activities. It’s our responsibility to advocate for their survival.

Giving Back to Animals and the Planet

Supporting animals can be as simple as donating to wildlife conservation efforts, volunteering at shelters, or adopting pets. By helping animals thrive, we contribute to a healthier planet for everyone.

At Bios, we believe in transforming loss into life. By creating memorials that honor the animals we love, such as using Bios Urn Pets®, we celebrate the lasting connection between humans, animals, and nature. Let’s work together to ensure a brighter future for animals of all kinds and a healthier planet for all.


What other ways do you think animals help humans? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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