Quiz: What do you think is more polluted? Indoor or outdoor air?
If you said outdoor, well unfortunately various studies showed that you are wrong. In fact, air in our offices and houses is usually far more polluted than outside.
Here comes the second quiz of the day: are trees good only for producing oxygen or are they helpful also in another way? In this case, the answer is a bit more evident. Yes, trees do have other functions. Some of them for instance can help cleaning the air, filtering out common volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Now, that we are aware of that, let’s discover together some of the plants that can help improving indoor air quality.
Here are some houseplants you can use indoors to increase air quality, and breathe easier!
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera Plant has medicinal properties, and also purifies air.
We probably all know that the gel inside this plant can help heal cuts and burns. What many of us don’t know is that it helps clear formaldehyde and benzene from indoor air.
Spider Plant
Spide plant close up photo by Mokkie.
Spider plant, otherwise known as Chlorophytum comosum, has no relation with Spiderman. Maybe the only similarity with the hero is that they are both very resilient. If your thumb is not really green, this is your plant. In fact, they are easy to grow and difficult to kill. They battle benzene, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide among other substances.
Garden Mum
Garden Mum comes in many colors, like pink
Garden Mum – was found by NASA and is considered a great air-purifier. These plants can remove ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from indoor air but they can also survive outdoors. It is quite popular as a plant, maybe also for its small price.
Eucalyptus is a great air purifier and is known for its medicinal properties and fragrant smell.
Let’s admit it, we all thought that Eucalyptus existed only to feed koalas, but the scent of this plant is good for congestion problems and colds.
Snake plant
Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’) is great at combating indoor pollutants.
This plant is worth being mentioned even only for its unofficial name, that is to say mother-in-law’s tongue. The botanic name is a bit more complicated: Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’. It is one of the most efficient plants against formaldehyde. It resists to humidity, so you can buy one for improving the quality of your bathroom air.
Once again, we have seen that a tree always hides some great surprise. Here at Bios Urn we do believe they can also hide a double life. Because there is life after death.
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I already have a Peace Lily but there’s so much dust and other things in the air, I also got an air purifier and I’m currently considering getting my second one – or maybe a few more plants? My questions is this: should I go straight for a second air purifier (and what recommendations can you make) or should I try adding 2-3 more plants first and see how it goes? I’m was leaning towards the Dwarf Date Palm, the English Ivy and maybe one or two Kimberly Queen Ferns. What is your opinion?
My sister in law had every one of these and more and all were doing well up until last year when they all died on her. We can’t figure out what it is every plant she now brings in now wants to die. It’s nothing she’s doing she’s a wiz with plants. She uses new potting soil and no pests can you help?
Hi Niki! It’s hard for us to know exactly what’s wrong, but ensuring proper water and sunlight levels are important, as is making sure the plants have proper drainage!
It pretty crazy to see that NASA was putting research dollars into finding houseplants that purify air. But, I guess if they’re looking at extended stays in space… mother nature probably has the answer worked out already.
The snake plant looks very much like mine which I thought is called flax???
I absolutely love snake plants. Have them all over my house and didn’t know til now that it was so good for indoor air problems in the bathroom! thanks for pointing this out
Thanks Justine!