Redwoods are trees of immense beauty, and physical stature. Dawn Redwood, also commonly known as “metaseqouia” is a living fossil. In fact, it was believed to be an extinct tree which was known to have lived more than 150 million years ago in the Northern Hemisphere, until once again being found alive in China in 1941.
After being discovered in 1941, its seeds were brought to North America where it now grow again. It is considered to be a symbolism of wellness, safety, longevity, wisdom, and communication. “To walk in a redwood forest is to enter nature’s cathedral.” Above all, this tree symbolizes vitality and longevity, as it can grow to 1,000 years old and comes from a lineage of trees which grow into old ages.
It is a tree of immense physical vitality, with rapid growth that supports its own life, and the life of other species. The Redwood is a celebration “of the stature and majesty of physical incarnation and creation.”
Facts about the Metaseqouia
The Dawn Redwood grows well in planting zones 4-9. It is known to grow very fast, at around 2-5 feet per year after being established. These trees can grow large in size, and are considered to be the fastest growing conifer around. They are adaptable to most soils, except desert sand, and can withstand flooding and drought conditions. These are beautiful shade trees and the seeds can be stored for up to 2 years. This tree should be planted in full sun for best growth.
The Dawn Redwood grows natively in the Sichuan–Hubei provinces of China. They were then brought over the the US in 1941, but due to World War 2 were not studied further until 1946 and only finally described as a new living species, metasequoia glyptostroboides, in 1948.
Now the dawn redwood grows almost anywhere East of the Mississippi River. During the fall, they will lose their leaves. In the spring, cones emerge from these special trees.
“Trees are crucial to maintaining a stable, human-friendly climate.” Studies show that redwoods capture a large amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) from cars, trucks, and other vehicles.
Dawn redwood naturally forms into a pyramidal shape, and require minimal pruning. These trees are also resistant to most diseases, and do not have any disease-associated problems with them. Dawn redwood has proved an easy, fast growing tree in temperate regions, and is now widely planted as an ornamental tree. It is tolerant of air pollution and very hardy, down to lows of -25°F (-32°C) and is very tolerant of soggy, water-logged soils as in the wild it is adapted to growing in flood plains. In drier regions it must be grown adjacent to a body of water such as a pond or stream. These trees can be grown indoors for a period of two years, and do well in planters or containers. This tree provides winter cover for birds, small mammals, deer and other forms of wildlife. The dawn redwood is versatile and can grow in loamy, sandy, wet and clay soils. It prefers moist conditions, but can withstand flooding and has drought tolerance. The Dawn Redwood is an excellent shade tree, perfect for sitting under on a hot day.
In the spring and summer it has a vibrant green color, and in the fall and winter it turns a warm orange color.
Photo by Conifer Conifer
Planting Instructions
1. The seeds should first be soaked for 24 hours in clean water.
2. The soaked seeds need to be put in or on some type of non-soil growing medium such as a damp paper towel, rockwool or sterile sand or vermiculite (or the growth mixture which accompanies your Bios Urn®.)
3. After placing your seeds in/on the moist substrate that you have chosen to use, you need to put them into a re-sealable plastic bag. Place the bag of seeds into the fridge and check them regularly to make sure the substrate remains damp but not saturated. After 2 weeks, the seeds should be ready to sow and will need to be placed at around room temperature for germination.
4. You can choose to germinate the seeds in the bag and then transplant them into compost or you can plant them directly into the compost and wait for the seedlings to appear.
5. Complete the transfer, and plant them with the Bios urn® following instructions for planting.
After care: It is important that the seedlings do not get too wet – do not water too much or too frequently. Allow the soil to dry out only a little between watering. Expose them to increasing light levels gradually. They prefer non-humid conditions, so if planting in a humid place, make sure they are covered or shaded. After introducing light, full sun is the ideal condition for Dawn Redwood, preferring around 6 hours of light per day.
The Bios Urn® is compatible with a Redwood tree as with all other tree types. No exceptions! You can buy your Bios Urn® here.
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