Imperiled Monarch Butterflies Get $3.2 Million From U.S. Government

Monarchs have been imperiled for the last two decades Monarch butterflies have experienced a breathtaking decline in the past 20 years, going from a billion strong in 1996 to roughly 30 million today because of habitat destruction. On February 9th, 2015, the U.S. government announced the first federal pot of money for rescuing monarchs, with […]

Pollution is a big problem for everyone

8.9 Million people are killed a year from pollution Diseases like ebola, HIV, and malaria rightly get a lot of a headlines, because they can kill millions of people very quickly. But there’s another problem that affects even more people, and it’s not mentioned as much: pollution. In all, pollution kills 8.9 million people a […]

The Native American Code of Ethics We Should All Live By

The Native American culture is highly spiritual and places a great emphasis on respect for Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon as well as all living and non-living objects. 1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak. 2. Be tolerant […]

‘Wind Tree’ Uses Leaf Turbines To Generate Electricity From Wind

It is known that trees produce oxygen. What we did not expect is that they can be used to produce energy too!  That  is the idea behind French start-up NewWind. New Wind has designed a wind turbine which takes the form of a tree.  The name of this new tree species is “WindTree” or using the […]

Trees of the week #1

Trees of the week is a series of weekly posts about some the most beautiful tree photos found around the web. Like them, share them or even enjoy them, but never ignore them 🙂                                

The people on trees

When we were children, we all had a common dream: a tree house. Based on the success that tree houses have on airbnb, a popular website for people to rent out lodging, this desire is still present in many grown-up children. In a forest near the Italian city of Turin, there is a child who […]

The Vertical Forest Growing in the Middle of Milan´s City Center

There are many kinds of forests in this world, but have you ever thought about or heard of a vertical forest? The studio led by Italian architect Stefano Boeri thought this was the “way to combine high-density residential development with tree planting in city centers”. Thus, one has been planted and is growing in Milan since October […]

One person can make a difference

From the Grand Valley State University (GVSU) a group of students produced a video called “Saving Trees” featuring David Milarch. David’s story shows that one person can make a difference. Ian Kast, Chad Rodgers, Rick Iseppi, Lindsey VanDenBoom, Olga Sarayeva, Atikh Bana and Joe Buckenmeyer, worked together to conceive and create a compelling story about David Milarch […]

Beech: Symbolism and characteristics of this decidious tree

The Majestic Beech! Origins The beech tree belongs to the family Fagaceae, with species native to Europe, Asia and North America. The scientific name for the European beech (the most common beech) is Fagus sylvatica : Fagus is the Latin name which means “a kind of oak”, and the epithet sylvatica means “growing in the […]

Oldest Tree on Earth

One of the most appealing reasons to have your ashes fertilize a tree is because trees have incredible longevity compared to human lifespans. One of the oldest trees on the planet is Old Tjikko high up in Fulufjället Mountain in Sweden, a Norway spruce that has been radiocarbon dated to 9,550 years old. For a […]