Archives for February 2015

Oxygen, the secret formula for human life

When I started writing this post, I did what everybody usually does when looking for information: I typed my key word “oxygen” in Google. I expected to find images of trees and forests but the result that caught my attention was quite unexpected. An astronaut was greeting me saying: “Oxygen is a big deal”. Clicking […]

Imperiled Monarch Butterflies Get $3.2 Million From U.S. Government

Monarchs have been imperiled for the last two decades Monarch butterflies have experienced a breathtaking decline in the past 20 years, going from a billion strong in 1996 to roughly 30 million today because of habitat destruction. On February 9th, 2015, the U.S. government announced the first federal pot of money for rescuing monarchs, with […]

Pollution is a big problem for everyone

8.9 Million people are killed a year from pollution Diseases like ebola, HIV, and malaria rightly get a lot of a headlines, because they can kill millions of people very quickly. But there’s another problem that affects even more people, and it’s not mentioned as much: pollution. In all, pollution kills 8.9 million people a […]

The Native American Code of Ethics We Should All Live By

The Native American culture is highly spiritual and places a great emphasis on respect for Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon as well as all living and non-living objects. 1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak. 2. Be tolerant […]